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4 tree(s) planted in memory of Mary McNeil
Anonymous planted 3 trees in memory of Mary McNeil
Monday, October 28, 2024
3 trees were planted in memory of
Mary E. McNeil

In loving memory of Mary and the wonderful times we shared together as families for years of swim meets. She will be missed, but always remembered. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Anonymous lit a candle
Monday, October 28, 2024

Dear McNeil Family,
I have never met Ms. McNeil, but I know of her through one of her employees. I have heard nothing but amazing things about Ms. McNeil and how she integrated employees into her company. Based on what I have heard, Ms. McNeil made employees feel welcomed, valued, and a part of something great. She empowered them to make decisions and achieve results using their skills, experience, and knowledge. She trusted that the people she hired into the company were supposed to be there and would bring value. She believed in them, so they believed in themselves and their McNeil mission. This is a trait many leaders do not possess nor wish to, but Ms. McNeil did. The world has lost a remarkable person, but I am hopeful her legacy and impact will live on through those whose lives she touched.
Trust in God's Plan
By Kelly Roper
It's hard to understand
Why God takes those we love.
Does He need them more than we do,
In Heaven up above?
No one on earth can pretend
To know what's in God's plan.
All we can do is take it on faith
And trust we'll see our loved ones again.
Brandy Amstrong posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
I feel so blessed to have 24 years’ worth of memories with Mary. I started at McNeil and Company when I was 23 years old. It was my first “real job”, our office was in the community I grew up in and where my family still was. When I first met Mary, it was easy to see what a smart, confident, knowledgeable woman she was but as I got to know her it was clear that she was so much more than a strong business leader. Her genuine nature, kindness, compassionate for others and the faith she led her life with is what made Mary quickly become a mentor to me both professionally and personally. Mary helped shape my professional path but more importantly she was my friend, my confidant, and my support whenever I needed her.
Mary and I also shared a bond with a cancer journey that started just weeks apart. Although in different cities we had our first chemotherapy treatment scheduled on the exact same day. Even though it felt hard to laugh, we did when we discovered that. I had so many overwhelming feelings going into that day…..and then I talked to Mary. At a time where I am sure she felt similar feelings she was genuinely more concerned about me then herself. Her words of encouragement, the strength she showed with grace, positivity, determination, and faith helped me in that moment and as I navigated my entire cancer journey. Everything she gave me during that time will be forever with me.
I will miss her always but am so very thankful for all the experiences we shared and the memories I have.
Karen Foresti Hempson posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
I was Mary’s eighth-grade social studies teacher, and we remained friends ever since. At a young age, Mary was heads above her peers in maturity and intelligence. Remembering her sheds some light in this dark and sad time. Reading her obituary, I was not surprised to hear how she embraced her challenge with a combination of grace and tenacity. God bless you, Mary.
Mary DeLage lit a candle
Monday, October 7, 2024

I met both Mary and her father, Dan, while I worked at the Cortland YMCA. They were both such a highlight to my early mornings. I learned that Dan and his family were very close with my grandparents, specifically my grandmother who is Peter's godmother. They shared so many stories and memories with me that I hold so close to my heart. Daniel heard that I wanted to go to SUNY Delhi and convinced me to apply, and I'm convinced that he's the reason I got in. While I chose to go elsewhere, I will never forget that. Mary was always willing to stop and chat with me about anything, even though I am not always able to pick up when someone has to go haha. I'm incredibly fortunate that I got the chance to meet them both and am so so sorry to hear about her loss. <3
Patricia Masterson-Race posted a condolence
Sunday, October 6, 2024
I am so very sorry to learn of your loss of Mary. My best regards to all of you. As you know, I have much love for all of your family.
Sue Ames posted a condolence
Friday, October 4, 2024
I am sad to hear of Mary's passing and have long admired her devotion to family, her community and, in my case, Le Moyne College. Bill and I offer prayers of comfort to the Mc Neil Family.
Sharon Yaple posted a condolence
Friday, October 4, 2024
It was with great sadness I learned of Mary passing. She was too young to leave her life here on earth. Her short time left such a great mark on so many because of who she was, what she stood for and her unfailing ability to give to others. Who ever wrote her obituary captured her well and as I read it visions of my time spent with Mary flooded my heart and mind.
My friendship with Mary was special and our talks were always enlightening. Her dedication to her family and to herself in caring for her physical health was strong. We both knew that family was “King” and that it was important to always remember to spend precious time with them. Reading in the obituary about her meeting her father to swim when she was facing her own health battles says it all…her father was important and she knew she would work through her issues knowing he was appreciative of her swimming with him.
Our friendship was strong but became harder to maintain because my career changes when the First National Bank of Cortland merged with another institution. I no longer was in Cortland where I thrived in my commitments to the Cortlsnd community and my relationships with people like Mary. Mary filled a need in me to have a someone who I trusted and who had similar values as mine. I’m sorry we didn’t find a way to connect. I was so pleased that my daughter in law Bridget Yaple found a place at McNeil and was under the direction of Mary. Bridget found a home working for the McNeil Company one that changed her life by finding a place that values their employees and where she can contribute towards the companies success.
I loved Mary and will never forget her smile and warming approach as she greeted me and others. I send my sincere condolences to all of the McNeil family. Keep her memories close as they will comfort you in the days and weeks ahead.
Warmest of regards,
Sharon Lee Yaple
Myron and Priscilla Walter posted a condolence
Friday, October 4, 2024
Our love and thoughts are with you all at this difficult time. May your memories give you solace and comfort. Mary was an inspiring and wonderful person.
Myron and Priscilla
(Aka Marvin and Phyllis)
Gerry Gunning posted a condolence
Friday, October 4, 2024
Dear McNeil Family,
You have many wonderful memories of your sister and we hope that these will always be a comfort to you in this very sad time, our deepest condolences,
Gerry & Ann Gunning
Rick Partigianoni posted a condolence
Friday, October 4, 2024
Very sorry to hear of the passing of Mary !
God bless Mary and her family !!
Bob Guthrie posted a condolence
Thursday, October 3, 2024
I am very sorry to hear of Mary’s passing. She was such a genuine and kind person. I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet her with the NVFC
Brian First posted a condolence
Thursday, October 3, 2024
The wonderfully written memorial to Mary really captured how uniquely special she was to so many who were fortunate enough to know her. Her indomitable spirit, combined with a genuine compassion for others, earned the respect of all in the many circles of family, friends, colleagues and communities she touched. We will dearly miss her and extend heartfelt condolences to the entire McNeil family.
Stuart Steck posted a condolence
Thursday, October 3, 2024
I am so sorry to hear about Mary's passing. Mary was an incredibly kind, caring and positive person. I will always be grateful for her warmth and kindness. For over four decades, Mary extended her support and friendship to my family -- especially during my mother's own battle with cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire McNeil family.
Amy Fish posted a condolence
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Mary was a successful and driven woman whose generosity touched my life in meaningful ways. She gave me a chance when I needed an internship to complete my degree, and later, she extended her kindness once again when I needed help moving back home. I am grateful for her support and the opportunities she provided.
Hal McCabe posted a condolence
Thursday, October 3, 2024
I’m very sorry for your loss,.
Mayor Hal McCabe
Barbara Winters posted a condolence
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Mary was a truly inspiring woman. I remember when I came to McNeil for my interview, as I sat there nervously waiting for it to start. Mary came out of her office and introduced herself to me. She chatted with me and put me at ease. As we talked, she asked me if I knew a Chuck Winters (my husband), I said yes. She said that he was very helpful with getting a fuel truck for the Cortland County Airport. A very small world.
Rosemary and Walter Burns posted a condolence
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Q: What was Mary really good at?
A: I met Mary 2 years ago at the YMCA. She laps in the pool every day. She helped me with the back stroke.
Dennis Fish posted a condolence
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Mary took me into the business, when my store closed and took great care of my future employment! If I had a personal crisis in my life, she was there and I will always be grateful for my relationship with Mary and Dan Sr., as well as all of the McNeil family. She was the hardest working person I have ever worked with, tough when needed, but always a person with a heart! Dennis R. Fish
Kelsey Ryan White posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Working at McNeil & Co was my first job after college. I enjoyed 6 years there, including filling in for Helen's lunch break and answering the front desk phone. This is how I came to know Mary. I remember her fondly as a sharp, smart business woman. As I joined the gym and started training for a triathlon, I came to know her a bit more, and she was so kind to me. Life took me away from the area and I am so sad to hear of her passing. She certainly lived a life that mattered and I am lucky to have known her for a little bit of it.
Love, Tom Dexter and Cel Kristof planted a tree in memory of Mary McNeil
Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Dear Dan and family,We send you thoughts of comfort. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Greg Roberts posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
So sorry to hear of Mary's passing. We went to school together and I have very fond memories of her from Jr. High and High School. I'm married to one of her 2nd cousins. May she rest in peace.
The family of Mary E. McNeil uploaded a photo
Wednesday, October 2, 2024

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Bob Haight posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
What a wonderful woman! I'm sad thinking we don't have her any longer but smile thinking of all my interactions with her and knowing she's now with her parents again. Miss you Mary
Lori and Bob Barber and Family posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Mary, you will forever be in our hearts. So many fond memories of family times together and all of the love you have brought to our family and sharing your family with us. Rest in Peace.
Lori, Bob, Robin, RJ, Dylan, Alexa and Tyler