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2 tree(s) planted in memory of James Smith
Melissa Brotherton posted a condolence
Friday, January 17, 2025
I was my Papa’s second born,but he never made me feel second.
I always looked forward to our spending time together, because I knew he would make me laugh!
I will miss Dad’s humor, and his love.
Dad was a selfless, humble man, but i didn’t realize that when I was younger because I saw him as the fun Dad!
Trips to Roseland, playing frisbee in the park, picnics,camping,kickball,mini golf, going to church and baseball and basketball games.
Dad made everything fun!
But of all of these, my fondest memories is when Dad would take me to the woods to gather leaves with my sisters in the Fall. It makes sense for now I know why Autumn has always been my favorite season.
Though Dad was my football rival, he always supported me. He always said I love you and I know he loved me unconditionally.
Dad never forgot a birthday, he was are $5 man.
The end of his life brought a new beginning with my sister Anne, now an inseparable relationship.
There will always be condiments left on the table now but a hole left in my heart.
His sting faith reassured me he has joined the Lord.
Susan (Meade) Dhifaoui posted a condolence
Sunday, January 12, 2025
To the Smith family, I’m so sorry to hear of Jim’s passing. We were long time neighbors in king Ferry. The Meades. My mother was always so fond of Jim and used to recall how he always loved her chocolate cake with buttercream frosting. She always made sure to make one when she knew he was coming to visit his dad. I recall the few years he lived on Atwater road with his dad. He planted willow tree and every night he would have his pail of water to water that sapling. That tree grew and grew long after he moved. May you be surrounded by your loved ones and memories for strength at this time.
HEATHER JARRELL posted a condolence
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Q: What will you never forget about James?
A: He was REALLY good at ping-pong.
He used to tell us how he used to be a big time ping-pong champion but we didn't believe him. He had a lot of trophies and used to tell us they were from playing. He did have a ping-pong table in his apartment but it was completely covered with papers. Juan Jr and I challenged him to a game one time and he whooped us BOTH. I've never seen someone so good in person. It was like playing Forrest Gump. It was impressive. He could put a spin on the ball that was unbelievable
He also loved the Cowboys! I remember one year, he came over to Mom's (Fran McMahon) for thanksgiving and the cowboys were playing. He was so into the game and I remember sitting next to him on the couch while he rooted for them. I think that was the first time I saw what a super fan he was, not to mention all the cowboys apparel he had. We used to mess with him and tell him the cowboys sucked just to rile him up
The Bailey Family planted a tree in memory of James Smith
Friday, January 10, 2025

A tribute to your dad ! Our thoughts and prayers are with you . Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of James E. Smith uploaded a photo
Friday, January 10, 2025

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A Memorial Tree was planted for James Smith
Friday, January 10, 2025

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Wright-Beard Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Nolleen Whetham posted a condolence
Friday, January 10, 2025
My heartfelt thoughts are with you and your family as you navigate the loss of your dad.