9 Lincoln Avenue | Cortland, New York | 13045 | Phone: (607) 756-2885 | Fax: (607) 756-6240 | Email: wrightbeardfh@gmail.com

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Kathy Field posted a condolence
Saturday, May 11, 2024
Jeffrey Paul Field aka Deke never missed a minute where he could tell stories of Dr. Turners achievements. He told me of a time that he did pest control in Florida. How he accidentally had poisoned clients dog. How he called his friend Dr. Turner and Dr. Turner had told him what to do to save the dogs life. The dog lived, Deke was relieved. Throughout the 30 years of our time together, he always spoke highly of him My sincere condolences for the family and friends.
Victoria Roberts Russell posted a condolence
Friday, February 23, 2024
My family and I had the pleasure of being a neighbor of Ben's Groton Road Family and his Mid-State vet practice. I also baby sat for Scott, Judy, Susie, and little Tim when I was a tween. He was our vet for beloved dogs over many years, saving them with stitches and anti-biotics for Buff, who (un-neutered) back in the day, regularly got torn apart battling for the affections of the Verrando's little white poochie and heroic surgeries (Copper) that most vets would not have been able to pull off. He had a happy face, a beautiful smile and great professional skill as a vet. My heart is full of appreciation for special people like him and his precious family.
Debora Howe posted a condolence
Thursday, February 22, 2024
To his daughter Judy, and all the family. Ben was a great veterinarian and a great person. He would always stop everything and come to your rescue if you needed him for your fur babies. Our prayers are with you all.
William Cook posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
I met Dr. Ben Turner in the late 1970's when he became the herd veterinarian at my family's dairy farm in Lansing. I was fresh out of college and wanted to learn all that I could. Ben was a great teacher. He taught me basic diagnostic skills and how treat sick or injured animals very intensely. And, he looked beyond that specific sick animal and offered dairy nutrition and herd management advice. There are others who have been born with a great mind, but Ben was special in that he willingly shared what he knew with others. I loved his passion for veterinary medicine and dairy farming. Ben always told it like he saw it, which means that it wasn't always easy to hear, but there was always in that message, good concern for the calves, cows, the farm, and for me. The message was always the same....you can do it, by God!
When Penney and I moved to Aurora in 1984, he agreed to continue with the herd veterinary care. Dr. Paul Coen joined the practice and provided the same level of care and counsel until his recent retirement. Today, we still use doctors in the same practice that Ben founded. Rest in peace, my mentor and friend. Bill Cook
Colleen Hamilton posted a condolence
Sunday, February 18, 2024
So sorry for your loss. I knew Ben even before he married Aunt Carolyn. He was always kind to me and I know that my Uncle Mert would have been happy to see her live out life with such a gentleman. I remember how proud he was of his accomplishments at Cornell U. His obituary was very fitting and may he rest in peace knowing how admired he was by friends and family.
Mike and Donna Bome posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Carolyn, Katie and family,
We were saddened to read of Ben’s passing. What great memories we have; soccer games, road trips and dinners together. Ben was one of our heroes: strong, smart, adventurous, fun to be with, and a highly respected veterinarian. He played polo when others his age were in wheelchairs! We enjoyed hearing about his experiences growing up in rural Maine. We have lost a special person who we will never forget. We hope you all are doing well.
Mike and Donna Bome
David Marquis posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Dr Ben was our vet on the farm in the sixties forward he would come to our farm and say Kermit I need to barrow David to wrangle cows horses to treat them him being in his prime Dr Ben would say I was the best at capturineing critters that were sick ounce I got a hold of they're face it was over. He taught me the ability to look at holstien calves and what they would be at first calving I want to the cow sale at maple lane manor very impressive on the day of Caroline's fathers birth day very impressive I'll miss Dr Ben a great man and ahead of this time and then this horse knowledge maybe even better polo rider impressive rip my mentor
Douglas Wilcox posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
I knew Doc Turner on a personal and professional basis for over 50 years. He was a very personal man with a keen sense of business. A terrific vet and one of the top farmers in Central, New York. We offer our condolences to Carolyn and all the rest of his family.
Margie Whittington posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
You were the first vet that I ever got to really know. Whenever I would call Midstate, I would always say it can only be Ben that comes out to help me. You taught me so much you will be truly truly missed rest in peace!
Barbara VanDusen posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Ben was just out of college and working with Dr. Paul Peterson. I was just out of school and enjoyed working with both of them in the clinic. After I married we came back on my family farm and were lucky to have Ben as our vet and friend. He taught us to do many things that helped us with our dairy. I'll always remember that a big smile.
My condolences to his families.
Barbara Davis Van Dusen
Lisa Rigge posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
We are very sorry to hear of the loss of Ben to the Turner and young family. We have fond memories of growing up with bothTurner and Young families.
May he rest in peace.
John and Lisa McHugh Rigge
Ken and Pat Worden posted a condolence
Monday, February 12, 2024
Carol and family,
Ken and I wish to extend sincere condolences. Dr. Ben was much appreciated when it came time to breed our Quarter Horse mare. Always ready to answer questions and available whenever we had concerns. Once when our mare was thought to be colicky, he was up North at another place when I called with my concerns. I knew the basic drill to help her through this, but Dr. Ben was reassuring things would be ok. Much later that day, he drove in our driveway and came to see how "Moon" and I were doing. She came through with flying colors and after a couple of Dr. Ben's witty remarks, he was headed back home. Ken and I have memories of coming to the farm to pick out bulls to send to customers out west. Again, we were always welcomed and enjoyed our chats with Carolyn and Dr. Ben. Ken and I send sincere thoughts and sympathy.
Danny Scheraga posted a condolence
Monday, February 12, 2024
Janet and I have lost a dear friend, long time veterinarian, and fellow polo player. I first met Ben in 1973 on the Cortland Polo Field. He also soon became our family veterinarian. I learned Ben had grown up with horses. I believe his dad sold thousands of remounts to the US Army. He was amazing working around skittish horses. I remember once when he was working on one of our flighty thoroughbreds, I was holding for him, the horse was really acting up while he was trying to draw blood. I asked him if he wanted to wait awhile and let the horse settle, and he said "nope, I'm all done." He'd been able to do the work so quickly and smoothly, I don’t even think the horse realized he'd done it. Near the end of his career, he was really unstable on his feet and I was truly afraid he'd get hurt. His horse knowledge and sense were so good that he was always able to safely do what he needed to do. He always had great tales to tell from his career, and he knew everybody in the horse business. We will miss him
Thank you Ben for being our vet, being fun around polo, and for being such a good friend.
Danny Scheraga
Robert Henry posted a condolence
Monday, February 12, 2024
Dr Ben was one of the last of the all around veterinarians. Top of the game in cattle, equine, and small animal. I was blessed to work with him and learn a lot about cattle and equine care. He will be missed.
Bob Henry
Mary J Livermore posted a condolence
Monday, February 12, 2024
He was our vet for many years even before my husband and I were married
Melissa Weiman uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, February 11, 2024




+ 3
My thoughts and prayers are with the entire family during this loss. One is never prepared to lose a loved one, I’ve lost both of my parents … I have been lucky enough to be a part of the Young side and witness the love,, care and dedication to Dr. Ben’s care. I pray for peace and closure for all. ❤️
Many memories shared with Brenda, the girls, Carolyn, Rebecca ,John and Susan. A few moments with daughter Katie and husband Cord.
A wonderful family- I pray you cherish all the good moments and know he is now at peace. Hope that you all feel the same peace.
Daniel Titus posted a condolence
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Ben Turner was a great mentor to me and just a classic. One morning during pregnancy checks I noticed he had a paper towel stuck under his hat. I asked why he had a paper towel there. He says. " Oh! I forgot it was there. I got kick by a horse last night and put that there to stop the bleeding, how's it look?" He had his hat on all night. It should have had stitches but it looked good. He was one of a kind
Dawn Giannone posted a condolence
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Doc Turner was our horse vet. A very nice, empathetic, personable guy. You could talk to him about anything. We always looked forward to his visits. And he would also help with our other animals if needed. I really missed him when he retired. One of the last times he came out, he had taken a bad fall, and was not supposed to be working, but he came anyways. My condolences to his wife and family and friends.
The Giannone family, Dawn, Melissa, Nicholas, Kelly.
Jan Holden posted a condolence
Sunday, February 11, 2024
I'm so sorry for your loss. Ben was my vet for many years, and well known as the man to call for euthanasia, as he was a pro at making it kind. He always was interested in what was going on with his clients and had many skills at dealing with difficult horses. He was a great man to know, a friend as well as a skilled vet.
Bethany Wheller lit a candle
Sunday, February 11, 2024

Condolences to Ben family. He was an amazing vet He will be missed by many
Chavonne LaPlant posted a symbolic gesture
Sunday, February 11, 2024

I am sorry to his family . Ben was an amazing man to know . He had such care for his clients and there animals . Ben had always took his time to get caught up yearly with his clients and there pets doing his yearly checkups. Rest peace Ben Turner u will be dearly missed
The family of Dr. Benjamin F. Turner uploaded a photo
Saturday, February 10, 2024

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Dr. Benjamin
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